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Pages: 1 2 3
Introducing gMenu

Why My Works Aren't "Free"

A New Name

Introducing "Maths Map"

Feature Support

FitB is Usable on Phones Now

Subject to Editing

New FitB Puzzles (8/31/23)

Introducing "The Hunt"

Choosing a Linux Distribution, Part II

Pages: 1 2 3


Feature Support

In line with the recent update to Fill in the Blanks, most features on the site should now be usable on mobile devices.

That being the case, I thought it would be worthwhile to describe any caveats that hinder enjoyment in each of the site's features, and give a letter grade giving an estimate on how well the feature works with a style of browser, relative to the version it was designed for.

Laptops are grouped in with desktops, but if yours has a small screen, look at the mobile device category.

Every feature currently on the list (10/31/23) was designed for desktops first, and their performance on desktops is the standard for an A+ grade. If any features come out that are first-intended for mobile devices or terminals, those may get a desktop section.


Mobile: A
gPress should be usable at all types of screen sizes. The known defect is that mid-size windows (larger than portrait mode, smaller than full desktop) lack an easy way to access the categories section, when you're viewing a post. The current workaround is to click the topic on the top left to go back to the categories/topic page.

Terminal: C+
Involves a lot of scrolling; this may be unavoidable. Visually, elements aren't clearly delineated from each other. This problem is compounded by the quantity of text.

Fill in the Blanks

Mobile: A-
In landscape view, the native keyboard can block your view of the solve box, and pressing the submit button may require scrolling. In portrait view, phones with small[1] screens might experience unpleasant line breaks in the letter table.

Terminal: B
Elements aren't clearly delineated from each other.

Synchronous Messages

Mobile: D+
Technically usable, but no upgrades from before the mobile improvements. Portrait mode works surprisingly well, but landscape mode is broken. Small inputs are hard to hit.

Terminal: B
Involves scrolling. This may be unavoidable. Visually, elements aren't clearly delineated from each other. This could become a problem with longer batches.


Mobile: A
The roster section could be streamlined.

Terminal: B+
Elements aren't clearly delineated from each other, but the page is small enough that this shouldn't be too confusing.

The Hunt

Mobile: D
Although "The Hunt" currently lacks version numbers, it just had an update focused on improving portrait view. It isn't pretty (on the surface or under the hood), and most things are harder than they should be, but it is playable. The clumsiness and broken landscape view keep this below expectations.

Terminal: F
Lots of scrolling. Without an image viewer, you won't be able to view the map at all. Elements which were intended to only be seen by automated agents are visible.

Maths Map

Mobile: C+
There are annoyances; the map is not centered, and the input section is harder to use than it should be. However, this feature is usable without major known breakages.

Terminal: D+
Although I've largely stopped testing new site features in terminals, for personal reasons, I happened to do so here and found that it was surprisingly decent, given that it was previously untested and that the 'map' feature is graphical in nature.

[1] By "small" I mean actually small; no bigger than the first-gen iPhone SE.